05 September 2008

Who I am!

Hello! I am "The Redneck Politician." I am a Red Blooded American Patriot who is tired of the government becoming more and more 'sovereign' as the people of this great nation become more and more complacent! I am not saying that we don't need Law & Order, because we definitely need that! Where the biggest problems seem to lie are in the government aid programs, social security, illegal immigration, over regulation, and violation of civil liberties! This nation was founded to get away from these very issues from an overbearing monarchy/autocracy! Now our great government seems to be headed in that very same direction, and the people of this great nation are not only allowing it, but encouraging it through ignorance and apathy. My goal is to help spread information to the uninformed and hopefully inspire the people to take a stand for their citizenship. Quit allowing YOUR government to run YOU! This government is OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people. Let your voice be heard lest we become subjects instead of citizens!

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