03 September 2012


Ok, so I should probably start this with a disclaimer…  While I will ‘cite’ any sources that I use, this post is mainly consisting of what I believe to be ‘general knowledge’ and the rest is simply my opinion.
                Before you comment, or bash me for being ‘anti-whatever’, hate mongering, or whatever other drivel you will come up with, make sure that you actually READ ALL of what I have written below!
                I do NOT support ‘gay marriage’!  Big shocker; right?  I believe that homosexuality is simply unnatural.  Regardless of ‘religion’ or spirituality, etc., nature itself is full of ‘male’ and ‘female’ pairs and requires both sides in order to reproduce.  Before you scientists get after me, yes, I know there is some species of frog that can ‘change’ gender if there are no males available or whatever, but, again, that is nature ‘changing’ the gender to make sure that once again there is BOTH genders available to reproduce!  And furthermore, that is some rare species of frog, NOT a human!  As for the spiritual/religious aspect…  Yes, I’m a Christian who believes in the whole Bible.  I also believe that Jesus Christ came to ‘Fulfill’ the Old Testament Law, and therefore many of the ‘rules’ of the Old Testament no longer apply in a New Testament Covenant, so, no, I’m not going to quote the Book of Leviticus for my ‘religious’ reasons against homosexuality.  There are many places in the New Testament that speak against homosexuality.  The good book also tells me to love all people and not to judge others, but rather to speak against their sin and inform them of the Love of Jesus Christ!
                BUT, this is not a spiritual/religious/science/etc debate.  This is a POLITICAL debate.  One of the greatest things about this country is that while it was founded on ‘Christianlike morality’ [no, not on the religion of Christianity, just it’s moral code! ("The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." –John Adams)], one of the main morals that it was founded upon was the freedom from persecution and the freedom to practice whatever (or no) religion as each individual pleases, SO LONG AS that practice does not infringe on anyone else’s basic human rights!  God has given us ‘Free Will’ to choose Him or the world as we please.  As far as I can see, homosexuality does not infringe on anyone’s basic human rights to life, liberty, and property (Constitution, the ‘pursuit of happiness’ quote is from the declaration of Independence I believe; however, both apply here.)  That said; I cannot persecute someone for being gay, simply because I don’t agree with it!  I don’t like beets either, but I don’t think I’d get very far trying to outlaw them!
                The biggest problem with today’s government is that everyone wants a law for or against every little thing!  This country was also founded on the basis of a limited government principled in the idea that “a government that governs least, governs best”* (Often attributed to Thomas Jefferson, however no real source seems to exist except by Henry David Thoreau.).

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